It's been quite some time since I last wrote, so allow me to run down the highlights that have brought us to today...
Back in mid-February...
I learned a little more about Kenya's financial system and how officials are attempting to prevent a market meltdown, much like the one currently plaguing United States and European economies. Kenyan leaders are doing all sorts of things including: creating a streamlined credit reporting system, establishing a government entity called "Brand Kenya," that markets the company as a business, hoping to increase trade, tourism, international business relations and overall, enhance its credibility and reputation to the rest of the world.
Annual results of public companies also came out and proved that the country is being somewhat hit by the world market madness. On the 27th, I spoke with research analyst Samuel Gichohi, who cited lower investor confidence as one of the main problems. While Job Kihumba from the Standard Investment Bank agreed, he added lower international investments and lower remittances from Kenyans in Diaspora.
In late February...
I covered more annual results, but had a pleasant surprise direct from the US...Mommy sent me a package with one of my favorite things...HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE!! Thrilled at the sight and taste of something familiar to home, I shared my gift with the newsroom and happily scarfed down the few pieces that I saved for myself :-)
I also worked more on my Global project for Medill. Mine will focus on the state of Kenyan media as residents, government officials and media continue to pursue the "fairness."
In March…
Time started to run out faster than I thought and I really wasn’t ready to leave. But before I knew it, I was capturing a few “last minute” pictures and repacking.
I started off the month with a detailed report on how Kenyans living abroad are remitting lower funds to family back home. More information on the sad reality that the recession is making its way to every “corner” of the world. Even Kenya, which is not directly connected with the way the leading economies of the world run, has begun to feel the effects.
Sad, but true. And unfortunately, it could get worse, says Job Kihumba from the Standard Investment Bank, before it gets better.
I also scored an interview with the US Ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger to ask him questions about US-Kenya relations for my Global project.Pretty cool, except the interview was on my LAST DAY in the country…so needless to say, I had to hustle and really watch my timing the whole day! But good news…it went great!
On the last day…
I had a bitter-sweet feeling. So sad to leave behind the new friends I’ve made and not yet ready to go home, yet, excited to see my family and friends back in Chicago. My interview with the USAmbassador was followed by an incredibly generous sendoff, compliments of the K24 and Kameme FM crew.
I can’t thank my Kenyan family enough for making me feel welcome, allowing me to creatively practice my craft and teaching me lessons that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life! This was an incomparable experience that I’ll never forget. Just too bad it ended too soon. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to vacation while I was there…tour the Coast of Mombasa or head out on a Safari in the Masai Mara, but that’s more reason for me to go back!
So until then, you can expect to hear about my Kenyan Experience every time we talk!
Renita D. Young: A true multimedia journalist with stellar news gathering skills, a strong command of social media and the entrepreneurial spirit to creatively bring it all together.
With nine years in the journalism business at various levels, she's reported on business, crime, education, politics, sports business and lifestyle news on TV, radio, print and web platforms in three countries. As a lifelong learner who considers it an honor to help chronicle history, my overall goal is to help inspire and inform, while learning more about myself and the world in the process.
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